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[Image: 1200px-Termux.svg.png]
 [Image: lightbulb.png]Here's A List Of Termux Basic Commands You Need To Know for now of which Dr Proxy will keep update it, so kindly come to check it out always to not be left out. thanks 

Update all the packages and dependencies installed on the system:
• apt update && apt upgrade

Granting storage permission:
• termux-setup-storage

Knowing Which directory you are in:
• pwd

List all the files and directories:
 • ls

List all the files and directories, including Hidden Files:
• ls -a

List all the files with file sizes:
• ls -lh

Move forward in directories:
• cd storage

Move backward in directories:
• cd ..

Clear Screen:
• clear

Creating a folder or a directory:
• mkdir folderName

More Commands List and What They Do:

cp -v used to print informative massage

cp -r used to copy any directory

mv -u update-move when the source is newer than the destination

mv -v to move any directory

ls -n to display UID and GID directory

ls –version to check the version of ls command

cd — show the last working directory from where we moved

ls -l show file actions like – modified, date and time, owner of the file, permissions Etc.

ls help show display how to use the “ls” command

cp -n no file overwrite

cd ~ move to the users home directory from anywhere

cd – move one directory back from the current location

mv [file name] move any file and folder

ls list directory

ls -a list all files, including hidden files

pwd - it shows your current working directory

mv -i interactive prompt before overwrite

wget [url] - install tool , apt install wget

git clone [url]- install any tools with git clone, apt install git

ls -al formatted listing with hidden files

mv -f force move by overwriting destination files without prompt

ls -i Display the number of file or directory

cp copy any file

cd / change to the root directory

cd change directory

cd .. change the current directory to parent directory

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Thanks From Dr. Proxy.

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